Forgiving God? // Psalm 88

Mar 17

How do we pray when life hurts? One of the keys to forgiveness and finding freedom in life is reconciling where our lives are versus where we thought our lives would be and what part we think God played in that journey. On Sunday, Josh walked us through the Psalms of lament and taught us how to pray in sadness and lament. Click here to read more on how to do this and write your own.

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More from this Series:
How to Let Go // Story of Joseph Gen 37Mar 24
Forgiving God? // Psalm 88Mar 17
Why Can’t I Forgive Myself? // Genesis 2:25; 3:7-13Mar 10
I’m Over It // Matthew 5:38-48; Ephesians 4:2; Proverbs 19:11Mar 03