
At CCC, we believe that groups are where we grow the most.

We all need people in our lives to encourage, support and care for us through the different seasons of life.  Groups are a place to do just that!  Community Groups meet throughout the week to talk more about the Sunday morning teachings and hang out together apart from our weekend gatherings.


We grow the most when we are surrounded by people of different ages and life stages.  From young to old or old to young, wisdom is shared by a broadening of life’s perspective.  Who is guiding your discipleship, and who can you disciple?  Groups are a place for deepening these relationships through discipleship.


The moment that a group is found, it starts to try and outgrow itself.  When forming groups, we try to have a maximum of 12 people attending.  Once it grows larger than that, it becomes harder to have the same depth of relationships.  That’s when we multiply.  By doing this, we expand our ability to welcome new members and make room for more discipleship.


We encourage all of our groups to share a meal or snacks with one another.  There’s something special that happens over a food.  Relationships widen in these moments of ‘normal’ conversation.  Our groups are also given discussion questions from the weekend’s sermon to help guide their time of discipleship.


CCC has Community Groups that are meeting throughout southeastern MA and RI.  Follow the link below to seef a list of each group’s time and location.

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