How we Fight our Sin // Romans 8:1 – 11
Josh Reich
Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Yet, many of us still fight our past failures, mistakes and regrets that hang over us. How do we live in the freedom that has been given to us? A follower of Jesus is more free than we often realize or live out.
A follower of Jesus is more free than we often realize or live out. Many of us only scratch the surface of the freedom we have in Christ.
Discussion Questions:
- Read Romans 8:1 – 11. What stood out to you about this text? What was most confusing? What was most helpful or meaningful?
- Read v. 11. What is Paul saying in this verse? How should this encourage and motivate us to live?
- What are some ways that we “set our minds on the spirit” or set our minds on the flesh”?
- Why can those who are “in the flesh” not please God?
- Have you experienced “life and peace” when you submitted to God’s Word and His Spirit?
- In what ways can you apply this text to your life and those in your family, church and community?
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